
Take a look at the data below, which comes from this recently released CO2 emissions report by the CSO. (You can get the data I used to make the chart here).

I've taken the largest emitters of CO2 by sector, and graphed them. The data pull out an interesting story. We see a mitigation of the levels of CO2 being pumped into the air my mining and manufacturing, and an increase in the levels of CO2 being emitted by residential areas. Overall, I have to say, though this picture looks bleak, and Ireland's environmental record is dismal, to say the least, it could have been worse. The overall trend is upward, sadly, and projected to increase further.

I certainly was expecting increased levels of CO2 over the last 5 years above these numbers. Does anyone have a CO2 emissions data series for Ireland going back, say, to the 1970's?

@barrd on Mastodon